IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT!! Attention to students who will do internship this summer !

Attention to students who will do internship  this summer :


1) Check your approved insurance dates from the following document.
Summer Practice List

2) According to the announced academic calendar of the university, the starting date of the next fall semester is 16 September 2019. Accordingly, students shown in yellow in the list below should change their internship dates. Students who will do summer school and internship together can do their internship in a private company working 6 days a week and other days except the 1st day of Eid. According to this, internships offered starting from 12 August by six days working a week and ending at 14 September will be accepted.
Students whose internship dates need to be changed should prepare their transactions as soon as possible, update their line in Excel below and send an email to burhanyildiz [at] You can send the updated and scanned company approval document by email and bring the original one back while turning back from the internship.


Last Update : 28.06.2019 15:30:28 Number of Views : 1448
