Important Announcement Related to Summer Practices -Updated

Summer Practice application rules updated according to the decision of the Engineering Faculty
  1. 1.The first day of the student’s summer practice is decided to be July 2, 2020 earliest. Students who made their applications to the summer practice committee to start their summer practice before July 2 need to update their dates and send their company approval again.
  3. 2.Students who want to start their summer practice between July 2 and July 16, 2020, need to send their documents at June 15, 2020 latest.
  5. 3.For those who will start summer practice after July 16, 2020, the last day to submit the documents is July 1, 2020.
  7. 4.The duration of the summer practice needs to be 15 working days and in your company approval document you need to specify it as exactly 15 working days. Please check the calendar, remove holidays, and fix it to 15 working days.
  9. 5.After the submission of the documents and the approval of your documents, the dates of the summer practice cannot be changed. If there is an urgent issue, you should state it in a signed application paper and send it to the summer practice committee at least 15 days before the planned starting date. Then, your application will be evaluated.
  11. 6.The students who will do their summer practice face to face at a company, need to submit the documents listed below.
  • Approval of the company
  • Medical Care Statement (Only if you are doing it inside Turkey)
  • The application paper stating that you want to do it face to face (signed)
If any of the documents would be missing, the summer practice cannot be done.
  2. 7.Send all your application documents as email attachment to our Department Research Assistant Aysu Göçügenci (
  4. 8.The students who want to take Project from the Department instead of the summer practice, need to submit an application paper to the department stating the branch or advisor that he/she wants to take the project from. You can find all faculty members under “academic staff” link. Then, you can scroll through the academic staff research areas to select your advisor or branch. These students only need to send their signed application papers to our Department Research Assistant Aysu Göçügenci ( at July 1 2020 latest.
  6. 9.Students will be allowed to have only one summer practice period during Summer 2020 unless they have valid excuses (like graduation). The students who have valid excuses, need to state their excuses to the summer practice committee by sending their signed application papers.
                                                                                                                                                 Summer Practice Committee

Last Update : 06.06.2020 13:40 Number of Views : 935
