Attention to 1st year students!!!

1st year students should take courses that written below;

MATH 1852 Calculus II Section 1 (Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ömer Akgüller)
MATH 1852 Calculus II Section 2 (Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tarkan Öner)
MATH 1852 Calculus II Section 3 (Dr. Gözde Yaylalı Umul)
You have three options that you can prefer. Required course.

ISG 1802  Occupational Health and Safety II (Online Course)
Only one option that you can select. Required course.
(Online courses will be held in the form of a 30-minute course and a 10-minute break.)

CE 1002 Technical Drawing (Assist.Prof.Dr.Emine Yağız GÜRBÜZ)
​​​​​​​Only one option that you can select. Required course.

CE 1004 Statics (Assist.Prof.Dr. Ersan GÜRAY)
Only one option that you can select. Required course.

ECON 1852 Economics (Assist.Prof.Dr.Senem YAZICI YILMAZ)
Only one option that you can select. Required course.

TDB 1802  (Online Course) (Şube 101) for Turkish students - required course.
TDBY 1802 (Online Course) (Şube 100) for foreign students, but not required. If you don't prefer to take TDBY 1802, you have to complete this course's credit by taking extra course before graduation. 
TDB course will be held online and asynchronously. Online courses will be held in the form of a 30-minute course and a 10-minute break.

There are 6 sections for PHYS 1852 General Physics II course, for our department students can take only Section 1, Section 2 and Section 5.

PHYS 1852 General Physics II Section 1 (Prof. Dr. Mehmet Güneş)
PHYS 1852 General Physics II Section 2 (Prof. Dr. Mehmet Güneş)
PHYS 1852 General Physics II Section 5 (Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cahit Karanfil)

There are 7 sections for ENG 1804 Academic Writing and Presentation Skills II course but you have to consider the General Physics II sections when you are taking.

If you take the PHYS 1852 General Physics II Section 1 ----> You can take ENG 1804 Academic Writing and Prs. Skill II Section 4-7-8
If you take the PHYS 1852 General Physics II Section 2 ----> You can take ENG 1804 Academic Writing and Prs. Skill II Section 1-5-4-8
If you take the PHYS 1852 General Physics II Section 5 ----> You can take ENG 1804 Academic Writing and Prs. Skill II Section 1-5-2-6

ENG 1804 Academic Writing and Prs. Skill II Section 1-2-4 (Inst. Müzeyyen Aykaç Erdoğan)
ENG 1804 Academic Writing and Prs. Skill II Section 5-6-7-8 (Inst. Özlem Gümüş)

Son Güncelleme : 03.02.2023 16:18 Okunma Sayısı : 604

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